

If you're on this website, you'll probably want to go to the character sheet.

Unless you're looking for the legacy one.

Or, more recently, I made another spells list


If you're a random stranger who got here through Google, there's really not much here other than the above; I'm too lazy to finish any of the site. Speaking of which I should probably mention that the new version of the HTML character sheet was made primarily by someone else and I just host it here for them.

If anyone's crazy enough, you can add my CA certificate to your browser/OS trust list. In an attempt to disuade simple MITM attacks, the public key begins with

A4 08 3F B6 09 E6 81 F2 7C E7 6E 38 4E D7 1A 4D

I'm now using Lets Encrypt so there's no need for that anymore.